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Breadmaking and a Balloon Experiment at Home

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My daughters and I recently completed the Breadmaking Devotional on SchoolhouseTeachers.com, which we enjoyed. We didn’t make all of the recipes included within the course, but we did watch the videos, read the lessons and Bible verses, conducted the experiments, and baked a lot of different recipes.

Schoolhouse Teachers Breadmaking Devotional

Find more information about Schoolhouse Teachers here.

One of the experiments included in the Breadmaking Devotional involved putting a packet of yeast and 1 cup of warm water into three separate empty water bottles. Then, we added 2 teaspoons of brown sugar in the first bottle, 2 teaspoons of honey in the second bottle, and 2 teaspoons of white sugar in the third bottle.

Once the bottles had all of the required ingredients, we secured a balloon over each of the openings and waited. After some time, we were able to see how the ingredients affected the growth of the yeast by how inflated the balloons were.

Bread Making Devotional Balloon Experiment

Check out this Crazy Fun Balloon Activity Race Kids Love for more fun with balloons.

Speaking of experiments, my family tried another grand pumpkin experiment this year and attempted to grow pie pumpkins in the bucket part of a wagon similar to this one under our deck. The wagon had been dismantled, so we saved the top part as a large pot.

We successfully grew two pumpkins!

pie pumpkins on deck

Last year (when we did our grand pumpkin experiment) we made our own pumpkin puree using pie pumpkins my grandma had given to us, so we were really excited about the idea of making some fresh pumpkin puree using our own grown pie pumpkins.

Unfortunately, one of the pumpkins had grubs in it, so we ended up composting that one. I didn’t know if it would even be possible for us to successfully grow any pumpkins in a pot, so I was still happy we were able to get three cups of pumpkin puree from the remaining pumpkin.

Since we had recently been given a pumpkin bread recipe and completed the Breadmaking Devotional course, my one daughter was really eager to make some homemade pumpkin bread. It tasted pretty good, although it probably could have stayed in the oven a little longer.

pumpkin bread

And we still have two cups of pumpkin puree to make a homemade pumpkin pie with. Yum!

Will you be baking any bread soon?

For more posts about baking and cooking, check out:

Pickle Making During National Pickle Month

Quick Fresh Salsa

Our Grand Pumpkin Experiment

10 Cookbooks for Kids

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